This event is specifically designed to provide a quick and streamlined platform for professionals to connect and establish meaningful relationships with others in their industry or related fields.
With its fast-paced and efficient format, attendees will interact with a large number of potential business partners, clients, or collaborators in a short period, helping to maximize their time and effort.
How does it work?
Participants are given a set amount of time to have one-on-one meetings with other attendees. During these meetings, they exchange information about their companies, products or services, and establish new connections.
Key benefits
Join us! We look forward to see you there.
Networking with Expats.cz, participants, mentors and experts of DoToho!, Ment2Grow and members of Opero.
DoToho! is for all entrepreneurs, managers and experts who want to develop, share their experience and move forward. In the 2.5 years of our existence, we have already helped more than 1,000 small and medium-sized enterprises from all over the Czech Republic. We are supported by: Mastercard Strive™ Česko, Pražská energetika, a.s., Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic, Prague Innovation Institute and Finmag
Mrzí nás to, aktuálně nevyužíváte možnost získávat cenné know-how a obchodní kontakty na našich akcích. Přidejte se k podnikatelům, jako jste vy, kteří díky této možnosti a dalším službám DoToho! posouvají svůj byznys vpřed. Pojďte do DoToho! Plus nebo DoToho! Členství.
Chci jít DoToho!Hi, we're really looking forward to seeing you. Just fill out a few details — it'll only take a minute — and you'll get:
✓ The latest know-how from experienced entrepreneurs
✓ Inspirational meetings with people facing similar challenges
✓ Exclusive content tailored for small and medium-sized businesses
✓ The first 3 months absolutely FREE (for members of the Opero business hub unlimited)